Sonitpur (Assam) Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results

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The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Sonitpur, Assam saw a closely contested battle between the major political parties. Delve into the results, the key candidates, and the factors that shaped the outcome in this crucial constituency.

The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Sonitpur, Assam saw a closely contested battle between the major political parties. Ranjit Dutta of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged victorious, securing 775,788 votes and defeating his closest rival Premlal Ganju of the Indian National Congress (INC) by a margin of 361,408 votes.

 Main Candidates

The candidates who contested the Sonitpur seat were:

Ranjit Dutta (BJP) – A seasoned politician and the incumbent MP, Dutta has a strong base in the constituency and is known for his development-focused agenda.

Premlal Ganju (INC) – The Congress candidate, Ganju, is a local leader with a reputation for grassroots connect. He campaigned on issues of social welfare and economic empowerment.

Rishiraj Kaundinya (AAP) – The Aam Aadmi Party’s candidate, Kaundinya, sought to position himself as a fresh, anti-corruption alternative.

Raju Deuri (BPF) – Deuri, representing the Bodoland Peoples Front, appealed to the region’s ethnic Bodo voters with a focus on autonomy and community issues.

Rinku Roy (GSP) – Roy, the Gana Suraksha Party candidate, ran on a platform of regional pride and social justice.

Alam Ali (BMAHP) – Ali, from the Bahujan Maha Party, aimed to mobilize the constituency’s marginalized communities.

Kameswar Swargiary (VPI) – Swargiary, the Voters Party International nominee, campaigned as an independent voice for the people.

Pradip Bhandari (Independent) – Bhandari, an independent candidate, sought to position himself as a grassroots alternative to the major parties.

General Election to Parliamentary Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Parliamentary Constituency 11 – Sonitpur (Assam)

775788 (+ 361408)
Bharatiya Janata Party

414380 ( -361408)
Indian National Congress

33048 ( -742740)
Aam Aadmi Party

19892 ( -755896)
Bodoland Peoples Front

8205 ( -767583)

7382 ( -768406)
Voters Party International

6823 ( -768965)
Gana Suraksha Party

4202 ( -771586)
Bahujan Maha Party

18748 ( -757040)
None of the Above

लोक सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के लिए आम चुनाव: रुझान और परिणाम जून-2024
लोक सभा क्षेत्र 11 – सोनितपुर (असम)

775788 (+ 361408)
रनजीत दत्ता
भारतीय जनता पार्टी

414380 ( -361408)
प्रेमलाल गंजु
इंडियन नेशनल काँग्रेस

33048 ( -742740)
ऋषिराज कौंडन्या
आम आदमी पार्टी

19892 ( -755896)
राजु देउरी
बोडोलैंड पीपुल्स फ्रंट

8205 ( -767583)
प्रदीप भंडारी

7382 ( -768406)
कामेश्वर स्वरगीयारी
वोटर्स पार्टी इण्टरनेशनल

6823 ( -768965)
रिंकु रॉय
गणा सुरक्षा पार्टी

4202 ( -771586)
आलम अलि
बहुजन महा पार्टी

18748 ( -757040)
इनमें से कोई नहीं

General Election to Parliamentary Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Parliamentary Constituency 11 – Sonitpur (Assam)

S.N. Candidate Party EVM Votes Postal Votes Total Votes % of Votes
1 RANJIT DUTTA Bharatiya Janata Party 771018 4770 775788 60.21
2 PREMLAL GANJU Indian National Congress 412553 1827 414380 32.16
3 RISHIRAJ KAUNDINYA Aam Aadmi Party 32771 277 33048 2.56
4 RAJU DEURI Bodoland Peoples Front 19775 117 19892 1.54
5 PRADIP BHANDARI Independent 8136 69 8205 0.64
6 KAMESWAR SWARGIARY Voters Party International 7320 62 7382 0.57
7 RINKU ROY Gana Suraksha Party 6780 43 6823 0.53
8 ALAM ALI Bahujan Maha Party 4186 16 4202 0.33
9 NOTA None of the Above 18535 213 18748 1.46
Total 1281074 7394 1288468

लोक सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के लिए आम चुनाव: रुझान और परिणाम जून-2024
लोक सभा क्षेत्र 11 – सोनितपुर (असम)

क्रम संख्या. अभ्यर्थी दल का नाम ई.वी.एम. मत डाक द्वारा मत कुल मत % मत
1 रनजीत दत्ता भारतीय जनता पार्टी 771018 4770 775788 60.21
2 प्रेमलाल गंजु इंडियन नेशनल काँग्रेस 412553 1827 414380 32.16
3 ऋषिराज कौंडन्या आम आदमी पार्टी 32771 277 33048 2.56
4 राजु देउरी बोडोलैंड पीपुल्स फ्रंट 19775 117 19892 1.54
5 प्रदीप भंडारी निर्दलीय 8136 69 8205 0.64
6 कामेश्वर स्वरगीयारी वोटर्स पार्टी इण्टरनेशनल 7320 62 7382 0.57
7 रिंकु रॉय गणा सुरक्षा पार्टी 6780 43 6823 0.53
8 आलम अलि बहुजन महा पार्टी 4186 16 4202 0.33
9 NOTA इनमें से कोई नहीं 18535 213 18748 1.46
कुल 1281074 7394 1288468


The election saw a voter turnout of 78.46%, a slight decrease from the 79% turnout in 2019. This suggests that while political engagement remained high, there may have been some voter fatigue or disillusionment with the choices on offer.

Demographic shifts in the constituency, including the growing influence of younger and urban voters, as well as the evolving balance of support among different ethnic and religious communities, likely played a role in shaping the outcome. The BJP’s success in consolidating its base, while the opposition parties struggled to present a united front, appears to have been a key factor.

The results in Sonitpur have significant implications for local, state, and national politics. At the local level, the BJP’s victory strengthens its hold on the constituency and could translate into greater influence in the state legislature. For Assam, the outcome reinforces the party’s dominance, even as the opposition parties seek to regroup and mount a more effective challenge.


The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Sonitpur have once again demonstrated the BJP’s electoral prowess, while also highlighting the ongoing efforts of opposition parties to connect with the electorate and offer alternative visions for the constituency’s development. As the country grapples with a range of economic, social, and political challenges, the Sonitpur result serves as a microcosm of the larger trends shaping India’s political landscape.


About Author

Ritu Singh seasoned news hunter with ink in veins and truth as a compass. Cuts through spin, exposes hidden agendas, decodes power plays. Unwavering voice for accountability, amplifying unheard stories. A watchdog who sleeps with one eye open, keeping democracy on its toes

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