Almora Constituency Lok Sabha Seat Election Results 2024

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The Almora Lok Sabha constituency in Uttarakhand witnessed a closely contested election in 2024. Read on to discover the results and their significance.

The Almora Lok Sabha constituency in Uttarakhand witnessed a closely contested election in 2024, with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) retaining the seat. Ajay Tamta of the BJP secured a comfortable victory, defeating his nearest rival Pradeep Tamta of the Indian National Congress (INC) by a margin of 234,097 votes.

Candidates and their Profiles

Ajay Tamta (BJP): Ajay Tamta is the incumbent Member of Parliament for the Almora constituency, having won the seat in the 2019 and 2014 elections. He is a seasoned politician with a strong grassroots presence and has focused on infrastructure development and social welfare schemes in the region.

Pradeep Tamta (INC): Pradeep Tamta is a veteran Congress leader who has contested the Almora seat multiple times. He is known for his focus on agricultural issues and has promised to address the concerns of the region’s farmers if elected.

Narayan Ram (BSP): Narayan Ram is the candidate from the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), a party that has a significant support base among the Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) communities in Uttarakhand. He has campaigned on a platform of social justice and empowerment of marginalized communities.

Kiran Arya (UPP): Kiran Arya is the candidate from the Uttarakhand Parivartan Party (UPP), a regional political party that has been advocating for greater autonomy and development for the state. She has focused her campaign on environmental protection and sustainable development.

General Election to Parliamentary Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Parliamentary Constituency 3 – Almora (Uttarakhand)

429167 (+ 234097)
Bharatiya Janata Party

195070 ( -234097)
Indian National Congress

10075 ( -419092)
Bahujan Samaj Party

5778 ( -423389)
Uttarakhand Parivartan Party

4707 ( -424460)

4457 ( -424710)
Peoples Party of India (Democratic)

2224 ( -426943)
Bahujan Mukti Party

17019 ( -412148)
None of the Above

लोक सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के लिए आम चुनाव: रुझान और परिणाम जून-2024
लोक सभा क्षेत्र 3 – अल्मोड़ा (उत्तराखंड)

429167 (+ 234097)
अजय टम्टा
भारतीय जनता पार्टी

195070 ( -234097)
प्रदीप टम्टा
इंडियन नेशनल काँग्रेस

10075 ( -419092)
नारायण राम
बहुजन समाज पार्टी

5778 ( -423389)
किरन आर्या
उत्तराखंड परिवर्तन पार्टी

4707 ( -424460)
अर्जुन प्रसाद

4457 ( -424710)
डा प्रमोद कुमार
पीपल्स पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (डेमोक्रेटिक)

2224 ( -426943)
इं. ज्योति प्रकाश टम्टा
बहुजन मुक्ति पार्टी

17019 ( -412148)
इनमें से कोई नहीं

General Election to Parliamentary Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Parliamentary Constituency 3 – Almora (Uttarakhand)

S.N. Candidate Party EVM Votes Postal Votes Total Votes % of Votes
1 AJAY TAMTA Bharatiya Janata Party 417535 11632 429167 64.2
2 PRADEEP TAMTA Indian National Congress 191642 3428 195070 29.18
3 NARAYAN RAM Bahujan Samaj Party 9840 235 10075 1.51
4 KIRAN ARYA Uttarakhand Parivartan Party 5528 250 5778 0.86
5 ARJUN PRASAD Independent 4591 116 4707 0.7
6 DR PRAMOD KUMAR Peoples Party of India (Democratic) 4401 56 4457 0.67
7 ER JYOTI PRAKASH TAMTA Bahujan Mukti Party 2178 46 2224 0.33
8 NOTA None of the Above 16697 322 17019 2.55
Total 652412 16085 668497

लोक सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के लिए आम चुनाव: रुझान और परिणाम जून-2024
लोक सभा क्षेत्र 3 – अल्मोड़ा (उत्तराखंड)

क्रम संख्या. अभ्यर्थी दल का नाम ई.वी.एम. मत डाक द्वारा मत कुल मत % मत
1 अजय टम्टा भारतीय जनता पार्टी 417535 11632 429167 64.2
2 प्रदीप टम्टा इंडियन नेशनल काँग्रेस 191642 3428 195070 29.18
3 नारायण राम बहुजन समाज पार्टी 9840 235 10075 1.51
4 किरन आर्या उत्तराखंड परिवर्तन पार्टी 5528 250 5778 0.86
5 अर्जुन प्रसाद निर्दलीय 4591 116 4707 0.7
6 डा प्रमोद कुमार पीपल्स पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (डेमोक्रेटिक) 4401 56 4457 0.67
7 इं. ज्योति प्रकाश टम्टा बहुजन मुक्ति पार्टी 2178 46 2224 0.33
8 NOTA इनमें से कोई नहीं 16697 322 17019 2.55
कुल 652412 16085 668497

Factors Influencing the Outcome

The Almora Lok Sabha constituency is a Scheduled Caste (SC) reserved seat, which means that only candidates from the SC community are eligible to contest the election. This factor has historically played a significant role in shaping the political dynamics of the region.

The voter turnout in the 2024 election was 46.94%, which was lower than the state average of 58.34%. This could be attributed to a variety of factors, including voter fatigue, weather conditions, and the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the electoral process.

Demographic shifts in the constituency, such as the increasing urbanization and the growing influence of the youth vote, may have also influenced the outcome. The constituency has a significant Scheduled Caste (SC) population, which accounts for 24.1% of the total voters, and a smaller Scheduled Tribe (ST) population of 1.4%.

Implications and Trends

The Almora Lok Sabha election results have implications for local, state, and national politics. At the local level, the victory of the BJP candidate reinforces the party’s stronghold in the region and could have a ripple effect on the upcoming state assembly elections.

At the state level, the Almora result is part of a broader trend in Uttarakhand, where the BJP has maintained its dominance in recent elections. The party’s ability to retain its core support base, particularly among the SC and ST communities, has been a key factor in its success.

Nationally, the Almora election result is a testament to the BJP’s continued electoral prowess, even in the face of a strong challenge from the INC. The party’s ability to connect with the local electorate and effectively communicate its development agenda has been a crucial factor in its success.


The Almora Lok Sabha election results in 2024 have once again highlighted the political dynamics of Uttarakhand and the importance of the Scheduled Caste (SC) vote in the state’s electoral landscape. The victory of the BJP candidate, Ajay Tamta, underscores the party’s ability to maintain its stronghold in the region and its continued appeal among the local electorate.

As the political landscape in Uttarakhand and India continues to evolve, the Almora Lok Sabha election results will undoubtedly be a subject of intense scrutiny and analysis, offering valuable insights into the shifting trends and the factors that shape the electoral outcomes in the state and beyond.


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Ritu Singh seasoned news hunter with ink in veins and truth as a compass. Cuts through spin, exposes hidden agendas, decodes power plays. Unwavering voice for accountability, amplifying unheard stories. A watchdog who sleeps with one eye open, keeping democracy on its toes

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